Manufacturing, assembly or processing activity resulting in the exportation of at least 70% of production. (“Manufacturing / Processing” shall mean the process by which raw materials or semi-finished materials are converted into a new product through a change in their physical, mechanical or electro-magnetic characteristics and/or chemical properties. “Assembly” shall mean the process by which semi-finished parts or materials are put together or combined to form a distinct product without substantially changing its physical or mechanical characteristics or electro-magnetic and/or chemical properties.) Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Economic Zone Export Manufacturing Enterprise.”
IT service activities, of which 70% of total revenues is derived from clients abroad. (“IT Service Activities” are activities which involve the use of any IT software and/or system for value addition). Among the IT Service activities eligible for incentives are: IT-enabled services such as business process outsourcing, call centers, data encoding, transcribing and processing, etc.; software development and application, including programming and adaptation of system softwares and middlewares; for business, media, e-commerce, education, entertainment, etc.; content development for multi-media or internet purposes; and others. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “IT Enterprise.”
Please see “Guidelines on the Registration of Information Technology (IT) Enterprises and the Establishment and Operation of IT Parks / Buildings.”
Establishment and operation within PEZA Tourism Special Economic Zones of sports and recreation centers, accommodation, convention, and cultural facilities and their special interest attraction activities / establishments, with foreign tourists as primary clientele. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Tourism Economic Zone Locator Enterprise.”
Please see "Guidelines for the Registration and Administration of Incentives to Tourism Economic Zone Developers / Operators and Locators.”
Medical health services, endorsed by the Department of Health, with foreign patients as primary clientele. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Medical Tourism Enterprise” in a Medical Tourism Special Economic Zone Park or Center.
Please see "Guidelines for the Registration of Medical Tourism Special Economic Zones (Medial Tourism Parks / Centers) and Medical Tourism Locator-Enterprises.”
Processing and or manufacturing of agricultural products resulting in the exportation of its production. (“Processing” shall mean the conversion of any agricultural and marine products from its raw state into intermediate or final product which undergo physical and/or chemical change through mechanical and/or chemical process.) Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Export Enterprise.”
Please see “Guidelines for the Registration and Administration of Incentives to Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Developers/Operators and Locators.”
Specialized manufacturing of agricultural crops and eventual commercial processing which shall result in the production of clean energy such as bio-fuels and the like. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Enterprise.”
Please see "Guidelines for the Registration and Administration of Incentives to Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Developers/Operators and Locators."
(a) operation of a warehouse facility for the storage, deposit, safekeeping of goods for PEZA-registered Economic Zone Export Manufacturing Enterprises, and or
(b) importation or local sourcing of raw materials, semi-finished goods for resale to - or for packing / covering (including marking / labeling) cutting or altering to customers’ specification, mounting and/ or packaging into kits or marketable lots for subsequent sale to - PEZA-registered Export Manufacturing Enterprises for use in their export manufacturing activities, or for direct export, or for consignment to PEZA-registered Export Manufacturing Enterprises and eventual export. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Economic Zone Logistics Services Enterprise.”
Please see “Guidelines for Economic Zone Logistics Services Enterprises.”
Development, operation and maintenance of an economic zone for export manufacturing enterprises, inclusive of the required infrastructure, facilities and utilities such as light and power system, water supply and distribution system, sewerage and drainage system, pollution control devices, communication facilities, paved road network, administration building. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Manufacturing Economic Zone Developer / Operator.”
Development, operation and maintenance of an area as a complex capable of providing infrastructures and other support facilities required by IT Enterprises, as well as amenities required by professionals and workers involved in IT Enterprise, or easy access to such amenities. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “IT Park Developer / Operator.”
Please see “Guidelines on the Registration of Information Technology (IT) Enterprises and the Establishment and Operation of IT Parks / Buildings.”
Development, operation and maintenance of an integrated resort complex, with prescribed carrying capacities of tourist facilities and activities, such as but not limited to, sports and recreation centers, accommodations, convention and cultural facilities, food and beverage outlets, commercial establishments and other special interest and attraction activities / establishments, and provided with roads, water supply facilities, power distribution facilities, drainage and sewage systems and other necessary infrastructure and public utilities. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Tourism Economic Zone Developer / Operator.”
Please see "Guidelines for the Registration and Administration of Incentives to Tourism Economic Zone Developers / Operators and Locators.”
Development, operation and maintenance of a Medical Tourism Park or Medical Tourism Center which are planned and designed in accordance with the standards of the Department of Health and the Department of Tourism to have support facilities and services required for health and wellness, and provided with required infrastructure facilities and utilities. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Medical Tourism Economic Zone Developer / Operator.”
Please see "Guidelines for the Registration of Medical Tourism Special Economic Zones (Medial Turism Parks / Centers) and Medical Tourism Locator-Enterprises.”
Development operation and maintenance of an agro-industrial economic zone planned and designed to have support facilities and services required for processing and agro-based manufacturing facilities, and provided with the required infrastructure facilities and utilities. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Developer / Operator.”
Please see “Guidelines for the Registration and Administration of Incentives to Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Developers/Operators and Locators.”
Development. operation and maintenance of a Retirement Economic Zone Park or Center, planned and designed in accordance with the accreditation standards of the Philippine Retirement Authority, and provided with the required infrastructure facilities and utilities. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Retirement Economic Zone Developer / Operator.”
Please see “Guidelines for the Registration of Retirement Economic Zones (Retirement Economic Zone Parks / Centers) and Facilities Enterprises.”
construction as owner /operator of factory buildings inside a PEZA Special Economic Zone for lease to PEZA-registered Export Manufacturing Enterprises. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Economic Zone Facilities Enterprise.”
construction as owner/operator of buildings and other facilities inside IT Parks which are leased to PEZA-registered IT Enterprises. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “IT Park Facilities Enterprise.”
Please see “Guidelines on the Registration of Information Technology (IT) Enterprises and the Establishment and Operation of IT Parks / Buildings.”
establishment, operation and management of retirement facilities and other related activities, with foreign retirees as primary clientele, duly endorsed by the Philippine Retirement Authority, and located in a Retirement Economic Zone. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Retirement Economic Zone Facilities Enterprise.”
Pleas see “Guidelines for the Registration of Retirement Economic Zones (Retirement Economic Zone Parks / Centers) and Facilities Enterprises.”
Establishment, operation and maintenance of light and power systems, water supply and distribution systems inside Special Economic Zones. Eligible firms shall qualify for registration as “Economic Zone Utilities Enterprise.”