Philippine Standard Time - Tuesday, February 11, 2025,



Administrative Order


Guidelines in the movement of locally purchased chemicals into the economic zones


Reiteration on the need to evaluate Import Permit (IP) applications for regulated chemicals


Transshipment Service Allowance for PEZA Police Personnel for Additional and Selected Points of Origin and Destination

Board Resolution

Ecozone Development

(approves the set of guidelines for registration and operations of Ecozone Facilities Enterprise engaging in warehouse operations)


PEZA Policy Guidelines for the Competitive Selection Process in the Procurement of Power Supply Requirement of Public Economic Zones


- Approves the recommendation of Management to extend for another year, from January 2014 to December 2014, the 50% reduction in all PEZA processing fees for ecozone import/export full container load shipments to be discharged/loaded at the Batangas International Port


- approves the recommendation of Management to extend for another year, from January 2013 to December 2013, the 50% reduction in all PEZA processing fees for ecozone import/export full container load shipments to be discharged/loaded at the Batangas International Port


- approves the amendment of Sec. 6, Paragraph 2, Rule XXIV, Part X of the PEZA Implementing Rules and Regulations pertains to Rules XXIV on Guiding Environmental Policies and Regulations

Ecozone Development

Amendment of Section 3 and 4, Rule IV of the Rules and Regulations implementing RA 7916 pertaining to the documentary requirements for the proclamation of an area as an ECOZONE

Ecozone Development

Addendum to PEZA Board Resolution No. 00-411 dated 29 December 2000 to include the land where an IT Building is situated or to be located (plot area) in the coverage of the Presidential Proclamation

Ecozone Development

Amendment of PEZA Board Resolution No. 13-743 dtd. 29 November 2013, specifically Item B (1), which requires additional documents for perfected contracts on Proof of Ownership

Ecozone Development

Additional requirement for declaration of IT Building/Center as SEZ particularly that a minimum 20% of the gross floor area of the proposed Information Technology (IT) Building/Center shall be dedicated exclusively for IT use

Incentives Management

- approves the recommendation of Management to Include AUTOMATED SECURITY VEHICLE BARRIER, including Spare Parts to the list of capital equipment eligible for the tax and duty free importation incentive granted to PEZA-registered tourism facilities

Ecozone Development

Amendment of PEZA Board Resolution No. 00-263 dtd. 17 August 2000, citing the updated documents required on the endorsement of proposed ecozone for Presidential Proclamation

Incentives Management

- approves the recommendation of Management to amend the PEZA policies on the grant of incentives to developers/operators of Special Economic Zone under Republic Act. No. 7916.

Incentives Management

- approves the recommendation to include Poly Box Trucks in the list of capital equipment eligible for the tax and duty-free importation incentive granted to PEZA-registered tourism facilities.

Incentives Management

- allows Ecozone Developers/Facilities/Utilities Enterprises enjoying the 5% Gross Income Tax (GIT) incentive to import construction materials, elevators and like machinery, under bond, unless ruled to be not entitled to the incentive by the Department of Finance (DOF).


Approving the PEZA Police Escort Fees and Allowances for Import and Export Shipments and for Inter-Economic Zone Shipments

Ecozone Development

Amendment of PEZA Board Resolution No. 97-288 dtd. 09 September 1997, citing the documents required on the endorsement of proposed ecozone for Presidential Proclamation


Subject to issuance of LOA allowing:
1. Tax and Duty-free Importation of Energy Efficient Equipment/Products
2. Constructive exportation of Ecozone Manufactured Solar Panel and LED light system to expand market base

External Advisories

Occupational Safety

Implementing Guidelines of the Safety Seal Certification Program

Occupational Safety

Guidelines on the Cost of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures

Occupational Safety

Guidelines on 2019 Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control at the Workplace



Guidelines for the Accreditation and Operation of Value-added Solutions Providers (VASPs) for PEZA's Electronic Systems (BR 14-482)

Occupational Safety

PEZA's Coronavirus Disease 2019 Interim Guidelines

Ecozone Development

(Retirement Ecozone Parks/Centers) and Facilities Enterprises

Ecozone Development

(Medical Tourism Parks/Centers) and Medical Tourism Locator-Enterprises

Ecozone Development

(approves the proposed amendment to the PEZA Guidelines on the registration and administration of incentives to Tourism Ecozone developers and locator enterprises)

Ecozone Development

re: types of warehousing operations qualified for registration

Implementing Rules and Regulations

Memorandum Circular


FIRB Advisory No. 007-2024 - Interim Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) on the Availment of Incentives and Transfer of Registration as provided under Republic Act No. 12066 (Create More)


Private Sector Consultation on the Create More Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR)

Industrial Relations

Invitation to Participate in DOLE's Job Fair Program for IGL & POGO Workers


FIRB Advisory No. 006-2024- Interim Guidelines on the Submission of the Employment and Compensation Data in the Annual Benefits Report (ABR) Covering TY 2024


ATIR and ABR Submission through the FIRMS for Taxable Year 2024


PEZA Board Resolution No. 24-190 on the Updated Guidelines on Local Sales


DTI Memorandum Circular No. 24-04


FIRB Administrative Order No. 001-2024


Implementation of Republic Act No. 11898: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Act of 2022


FIRB Memorandum Circular No. 001-2024


Revised Guidelines on the Online Submission of Ecozone Monthly Performance Report (EZMPR)


Full Issuance and Acceptance of the Asean Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) Electronic Certificate of Origin (e-CO) Form D by December 2023

Foreign Nationals

Advisory on PEZA Visa Documentary Requirements, specifically the Alien Employment Permit (AEP)


DTI-Strategic Trade Management Office (DTI-STMO) Memorandum Circular No. 23-12 Re: "Guidelines for Third Party Acting as Exporter on Record (EOR) to Export Strategic Goods"

Foreign Nationals

Non-submission of NBI Clearance prior to Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC) on Downgraded PEZA Visa with Order to Leave


Revised Guidelines for Processing of Application for Clearance on Reportorial Requirements from the Enterprise Services Division (ESD)

Incentives Management

BIR Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 80-2023

Foreign Nationals

Clarifications on the Documentary Requirements in Securing PEZA Visa


Deferment of the Implementation of the Expanded Electronic Zone Transfer System (EZTS-Phase 2) for Interzone Transfers

General Issuances

Payment of Applicable Fees as a Pre-requisite for Any Application Filed with PEZA


DTI - Strategic Trade Management Office's (DTI-STMO) Memorandum Circular No.23-06 Re: “Individual Export Authorization for the Export of Servomotor Pursuant to Section 11 of the STMA”

Incentives Management

Recognition of Economic Zone Developers and Operators as Exporters Classified as "Activities in Support to Exporters" under the 2020 Strategic Priority Plan (SIPP)

Incentives Management

BIR Revenue Regulation (RR) No. 3-2023

Incentives Management

Application for Certificate of Entitlement to Tax Incentives (CETI)

Occupational Safety

Conduct of Work Enviroment Measurement (WEM)


SEC Webinar Invitation and Request for Crossposting: 2023 SEC Can! Webinar Series: Amnesty for Non-compliant/suspended/revoked Companies (12 April 2023)

Occupational Safety

"Chikiting Ligtas" Measles-Rubella and Oral Polio Vaccine Supplemental Immunization Activity (MR-OPV SIA)

Incentives Management

FIRB Administrative Order No. 003-2023


FIRB Advisory 005-2023


Online Submission of 2022 ATIR & ABR using the Updated Template through ACMS


FIRB Administrative Order No. 002-2023


Recognition of Ecozone Logistics Service Enterprises (ELSEs) as Exporters Classified as “Activities in Support to Exporters” Under the 2022 Strategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP)


FIRB Administrative Order No. 001-2023 dated 16 January 2023


Guidelines on the Registration with the BOI of Existing RBEs in the IT-BPM Sector under DTI MC NO. 22-19


DTI-STMO Announcement No. 22-001 Re: Export of Strategic Goods without Duly Signed Authorization Issued by the STMO Shall No Longer Be Allowed Beginning 01 January 2023


Supplemental Guidelines on the Registration with the BOI of existing RBEs in the IT-BPM Sector under MC No. 22-19

Annex A - Request to Register with BOI Form
Annex B - Inventory of Imported and Locally Purchased Equipment, Peripherals and Other Goods for RBEs with Work From Home (WFH) Arrangement

Incentives Management

BIR Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 137-2022


Guidelines on the Registration with the BOI of existing RBEs in the IT-BPM Sector under DTI MC No. 22-19


(a) FIRB Resolution No. 026-22
(b) Survey on WFH Implementation

Foreign Nationals

Amendment of Documentary Requirement for the PEZA Visa


FIRB Advisory No. 007-2022- Status quo of the 30/70 Work-From-Home (WFH) Arrangement after the expiration of the FIRB Resolution No. 017-22


Schedule of Annual Environmental Compliance Monitoring


Survey on Wastewater Management in the Economic Zones 

Occupational Safety

Addressing TB in the Workplace

Incentives Management

Clarification on the Issuance of the Certificate of Entitlement to Tax Incentives (CETI) Provided Under R.A. No. 11534

General Issuances

Extension of the Designation of DDG Tereso O. Panga As the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)

Gender and Development

Creating a Gender-Inclusive and Safe Workplace 

Incentives Management

Request of Certified True Copy of VAT Zero Rating Certificates

General Issuances

Notice of Designation of Mr. Tereso O. Panga as Officer-in-Charge of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)

Gender and Development

Establishing Safe Spaces in the Economic Zones 

Incentives Management

Extension of the Deadline for the Submission  of the Annual Tax Incentives Report (ATIR) and Annual Benefits Report (ABR)


Guidelines on the Filing of Applications for Letters of Authority with the Enterprise Registration Division (ERD)


Supplemental Guidelines on Report Submission of ATIR and ABR under MC No. 2022-031

Incentives Management

Submission of Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act (TIMTA) Report using the Updated ATIR and ABR Format

Incentives Management

Submission of Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act (TIMTA) Report using the Updated ATIR and ABR Format


Chemical Control Order for Hydroflourocarbons

Incentives Management

Issuance of Certificate of Entitlement to Tax Incentives (CETI) as Provided under R.A. 11534 or the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act


Implementation of Enhanced PEZA Information System on Compliance to Environmental Standards (PISCES)

Occupational Safety

DOH On-Site Booster Vaccination at NCR Economic Zones


Denial by the FIRB of the Proposal of PEZA to implement Temporary Measure under Rule 23 of the CREATE Act IRR

Gender and Development

Celebration of Women's Month and Women's Day


Earth Hour 2022

Incentives Management

Endorsement of the Investment Promotion Agency under BIR RR No. 21-2021


Update on the Online Submission of Ecozone Monthly Performance Report (EZMPR)


Amendment to MC 2021-056 Re: Period Coverage for Submission and Additional Data Fields


Revised Quicklist of Regulated Chemicals 

Service Enterprise

(A) Conversion of the Registration of Service Enterprises to Accreditation
(B) Implementation of Streamlined Documentary Requirements and Process and Issuance of Letter of Authority (LOA) Valid for Three (3) Years


Online Submission of Financial Statements and Income Tax Return thru the Annual Compliance Management System


Updates on COMELEC requirements for PNP-regulated chemicals / materials during the 2022 National and Local Elections 


Online Submission of Data on Dividends Paid for the years 2015 to 2020


FIRB Resolution No. 23-21 (Denial of the appeal by PEZA on the threshold requirement for the work from home arrangement under FIRB Resolution No. 19-21)

Foreign Nationals

PEZA Visa Issuance


Chemical Control Order for Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds


Fiscal Incentives Review Board (FIRB) Supplemental Guidelines for the Posting of Bond under FIRB Resolution No. 19-21 for Registered Business Enterprises (RBEs) in the Information Technology-Business Process Management (IT-BPM) sector


PEZA Electronic Payment and Collection System (PEPCS)


Renewal of Registration as Residual Waste Hauler


Updates of Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances

Occupational Safety

Smoking Cessation Program Survey


Guidelines to Monitor the Compliance with the Conditions Prescribed under Fiscal Incentives Review Board (FIRB Resolution No. 19-21 on the Work from Home Arrangement for Registered Business Enterprises (RBES) in the IT-BPM Sector


PEZA Electronic Payment and Collection System (PEPCS) Through MYEG


FIRB Resolution No. 19-21 (Extension of Work from Home (WFH) Arrangement until 31 March 2022)


Implementation of Enhanced PEZA Information System on Compliance to Environmental Standards (PISCES) 


Mandatory Use of PEZA Electronic Application Registration System


Revised DENR General Effluent Standards

Occupational Safety

Voluntary Safety Seal Certification Program

Foreign Nationals

Advisory on Travel Ban Exemptions, Guidelines and Procedures

Occupational Safety

Vaccine Procurement through Service Providers 

Foreign Nationals

Supplementary Advisory Regarding the Temporary Suspension of Processing of PEZA Endorsement of Travel Ban Exemption Requests

Foreign Nationals

Temporary Suspension of Travel into the Philippines of Foreign Nationals

Foreign Nationals

Latest Advisory Regarding the Requirements in Requesting PEZA Endorsements for Travel Ban Exemption

Foreign Nationals

Advisory on Issuance of PEZA Travel Pass for Departing 47(a)(2) Visa Holders Effective 01 March 2021

Industrial Relations

Workplace Relations Situationer Form


Survey on Power Source/Requirement of Locators

PEZA Awards

Call for Nominations: Special Awards of the 2020 PEZA Excellence Awards


Receiving of New and Late Renewal Residual Waste Hauler Registration Applications


Request for Information on the Approved CAP of Establishments under Section 10 of DAO 2016-08


Updates on Regulated Chemicals and Chemical Substances


Validity of Residual Waste Hauler Certificate of Registration During the Implementation of State of Public Health Emergency and Community Quarantine


Temporary Closure of the Sanitary Landfill Facility of Wacuman Incorporated

Occupational Safety

PEZA Services, Assistance and Advisory Re: COVID-19 Situation

Occupational Safety

PEZA Assistance to Ecozone I.T. Enterprises in Responding to COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease)


DENR's Clarification on Applicability of Discharge Permit and Payment of Corresponding Permit Fee

Occupational Safety

Submission of Idadin Reports

Gender and Development

Gender and Development Program for Ecozone Workers

Gender and Development

Special Leave Benefits under RA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women)


Implementation of Republic Act No. 10697, The Strategic Trade Management Act of 2015 (STMA)

Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Learning Application

Occupational Safety

Drug-Free Workplace Program in the Workplace

Incentives Management

NEDA Online Survey for the Conduct of Cost-Benefit Analysis as Provided in Republic Act No. 10708, otherwise known as the Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act (TIMTA)

Industrial Relations

Inspections in the Economic Zones by Regulatory Agencies

Occupational Safety

Implementation of Smoke-Free Policy in the Economic Zone

Occupational Safety

Administrative Requirements of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Occupational Safety

Labor Laws Compliance System Checklist


Water Safety Plan Schedule of Submission, Requirements, and PEZA WSP Review Committee

Gender and Development

Implementation of the Expanded Maternity Leave Law


Circularizing DOLE-DTI Joint Department Order No.1 Series of 2017


Updated Guidelines in the Processing and Issuance of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for Category B Project


Implementation of the Strategic Trade Management Act of 2015 in the Economic Zones


Updates on COMELEC Requirements for PNP-regulated Chemicals / Materials during the 2019 National Local Elections

Occupational Safety

Implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act


Chemical Advisory-COMELEC Requirements for the Importation and Local Purchase of PNP-regulated Chemicals


Extension of Deadline for the Submission of Water Safety Plan and Clarification on the Scope of Drinking Water Service Provider


Temporary Closure of the Sanitary Landfill Facility of Pilotage Trading and Construction, Inc.


LLDA’s IRR on the New General Effluent Standards


Sanitary Landfills in the CALABARZON Region

Gender and Development

Implementation of the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act in the Economic Zones


Clarification on the ECC Requirement Importation of or Processing of Recyclable Materials Containing Hazardous Substances


Suggested criteria for greening the ecozones


Executive Order No. 13 dated 02 February 2017


Advisory on the DOH Guidelines on the establishment of Water Safety Plans for Drinking Water Service Providers


Chemical Importation Advisory on Update on Requirements on the Transport of PNP-Controlled Chemicals


Temporary Suspension of Police Security Escort on the Transport of High Risk Controlled Chemicals

Incentives Management

DOF-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1-2016 Clarifying Certain Provisions of DOF-DTI Joint Administrative Order No. 1-2016, entitled "Rules and Regulations to Implement Republic Act No. 10708, otherwise known as the "Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act (TIMTA)


Chemical Importation Advisory - PNP's Implementing Rules and Regulations on Controlled Chemicals


Transfer of Issuance of National Building Code (NBC) Permits and Environmental Permits


Statement of Accounts For NBCP Permit Applications


Pilot Run of the PEZA Electronic Zone Transfer System (eZTS)

Incentives Management

Impending Implementation of Republic Act No. 10708, Entitled" An Act Enhancing Transparency in the Management and Accounting of Tax Incentives Administered by Investment Promotion Agencies"


PEZA pre-processing of application for COMELEC Authority to Transport (CA-TT) regulated chemicals


Chemical Advisory - COMELEC requirements for importation and local purchase of PNP-regulated chemicals


Reminder for hazardous waste generators to register with DENR-EMB's online facility


Extension of the Relief from PNP Requirements for "commonly used controlled chemicals"


PNP-Regulated Chemical Re: (a) Extension by PNP of Issuance of Temporary Permits Until 30 April 2016 (b) Survey of Enterprises Using PNP-Regulated Chemicals

General Issuances

Inspection and Other Site Visits of Developers' and Enterprises' Facilities During the Holiday Season


Online Certificates on Non-Coverage (CNC) and Environmental Compliance Certificates (ECC) applications at the DENR - Environmental Management Bureau


Chemical Importation Advisory - Removing FDA requirements for the importation of goods considered as Household Urban Hazardous Substance (HUHS)


Chemical Importation Advisory: Requirements for Importation of Goods considered as Household Urban Hazardous Substance (HUHS)

General Issuances

Rollout / Activation of the PEZA Electronic Application for Registration System (e-ARS)


BOC-PEZA Joint Memorandum Order No. 01-2015 Re: Extension of the Period of Optional Use by PEZA Enterprises of the Bureau of Customs'e2m Transshipment System for Import Cargoes

Foreign Nationals

Bureau of Immigration (BI) Operations Order No. SBM-2015-007, Restoring the Exemption of Holders of PEZA-endorsed 47 (a) 2 Visas from Payment of Exit and Re-entry Fees


Guidelines in the movement of locally purchased chemicals into the economic zones


Chemical Importation Advisory - Revision of the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) guidelines on the importation, sale and manufacture of controlled precursor and essential chemicals


Accreditation of Cargo Data Exchange Center, Incorporated


Continued Grant of the 50% reduction in all PEZA Processing Fees for Ecozone Import/Export Full-Container Load Shipments via the Batangas International Port


Exemption from DENR requirement for importation of items considered as articles

General Issuances

Inspection and Other Site visits of Developers' and Enterprises' Facilities During the Holiday Season


Urgent Measures to Address the Manila Port Congestion


Continued Grant of 50% reduction in all PEZA Processing Fees for Ecozone Import/Export Full-Container Load Shipments via the Batangas International Port


Second Extension of 50% reduction in all PEZA Processing Fees for Ecozone Import/Export Full-Container Load Shipment via the Batangas International Port


Extension of 50% reduction in PEZA Processing Fees for Ecozone Import/Export Shipments via Batangas International Port


PEZA's E-Payment Facilities


PEZA's E-Payment Facilities

PEZA Awards

Selection of Awardees for the PEZA Environmental Performance (PEP) Award for Y2012


Regular Weekly Port Call at the Batangas International Port


Guidelines in Availment of PEZA's E-Payment Facilities


Submission of Fire Inspection Certificate

Incentives Management

BIR's Revenue Regulations No. 1-2010 on Expanding the Coverage of Taxpayers Required to File Returns and Pay Taxes Through the Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) of the BIR

Incentives Management

Reminder on the Submission of Reportorial Requirements for the Purpose of PEZA Endorsement to BIR for VAT Zero-Rating of Transactions with Local Suppliers Valid for the year 2010


Guidelines on Wastewater Management

Ecozone Development

Update on the Status of Special Economic Zone

Incentives Management

Suspension of Running of Income Tax Holiday


Additional Information on Employment to be Submitted in the Revised Form of the Economic Zone Monthly Performance Report (EZMPR)


New US Customs Requirement

Ecozone Development

Annual Administrative Fee For Ecozone Developers / Operators


Use of the PEZA Electronic Import Permit System (e-IPS) for Importations through the International Airport in Clark

General Issuances

Inspection and Other Site Visits of Developers' and Enterprises' Facilities During The Holiday Season


Data on Power Generator Sets Operated by Locator Enterprises in the PEZA Special Economic Zones


Approved Guidelines in the Registration of Electric Power Generation Facilities / Utilities / Entitites Operating Inside the Ecozone (B.R. No. 07-093) and Guidelines for the Supply of Electric Power in the Ecozones (B.R. No. 07-394)


Data on Power Generator Sets Operated by Locator Enterprises in the PEZA Special Economic Zones


Clarification, Amendments and Additional Instructions on the Implementation of the PEZA Electronic Import Permit System


Submission of Fire and Safety Assessment Report (FALAR)

Incentives Management

Submission to PEZA of Copy Income Tax Returns and Audited Financial Statements


Declaration of Policy on the Regulatory Powers of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) in the Provision of Electric Power in the Ecozones

Incentives Management

Attachment of PEZA Certificate of Incentives to Income Tax Returns (ITR) upon Filing Thereof


Additional Information (Power Data) to be Submitted in the Revised Form of the Economic Zone Monthly Performance Report (EZMPR)


Revised Form of the Economic Zone Monthly Performance Report (EZMPR)


Newly Approved Rates of Administrative Fees


Energy Regulatory Commission Resolution No. 7, Series of 2006, amending Item No. 5 of the Certificate of Compliance Terms and Conditions

Incentives Management

Applicability of the Exemption from Withholding Tax vis-a-vis Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 8-2005 and Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 22-2005

Incentives Management

Information on Taxes and Fees Paid by PEZA Enterprises


Implementation of the Regulation on Wood Packaging Materials by the United States


Guidelines on Transport and Handling of Economic Zones' Solid Wastes


Electronic Import Permit System (e-IP) Pilot Test


Amnesty Period Until 31 December 2005 for Entities with Self-Generation Facilities with Capacity of Below 1 MW to Comply with ERC Requirement for Submission of COC Applications

Incentives Management

Clarification of the Tax Treatment of (a) Gains on Foreign Exchange Transactions; and, (b) Sales of Production “Rejects and “Seconds”, Scrap, Raw Materials, Packaging Materials and Other Production Supplies

Foreign Nationals

DOLE's Issuance of Alien Employment Permits (AEPs) to Non-Resident Foreign Nationals Occupying Elective Positions in PEZA-Registered Economic Zone Enterprises


Recent Energy Regulatory Commission Resolutions prescribing penalties to power generation companies / entities operating without the required Certificate of Compliance (COC) and granting an amnesty until 31 December 2005 for entities owning self-generation facilities with less than one megawatt capacity, which have not filed their COC applications.


Final ERC Deadline for Submission of Applications for Certificates of Compliance (COCs) by Companies which own Self-Generation Facilities (SGFs)

Memorandum Circular No. 2005-022

Bureau of Plant and Industry's Quarantine Administrative Order No. 1: Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Materials Involved in International Trade


Opening of Sealed Containers of Import Shimpments


Monthly Industrial Lot Lease Rates in the Four Public Economic Zones

Incentives Management

Exemption of PEZA-Registered Economic Zone Enterprises from LGU Permits and Local Taxes, Licenses and Fees

Incentives Management

Exemption of PEZA-Registered Economic Zone Enterprises Paying the Special 5% Tax on Gross Income from Paying the Power Distribution Franchise Tax

Foreign Nationals

Increase in DOJ Visa Filing and Processing Fees

Scrap Buyer

Registration of Scrap Buyers, Documentation of Scrap Sales and Imposition of a Fixed Scrap Sales Processing Fee

Service Enterprise

Registration of Scrap Buyers, Documentation of Scrap Sales and Imposition of a Fixed Scrap Sales Processing Fee


Economic Zone Monthly Performance Report: System for Automated Preparation and E-mail Submission


Monthly Performance Report of IT Firms

Incentives Management

Procedures and Guidelines on the Implementation of PEZA Board Resolution No. 01-161 re the Determination of the Start of Commercial Operations (SCO) as the Starting Date for the Availment of the Income Tax Holiday (ITH) Incentive


Preparation for the Implementation of BOC-PEZA Joint-Memorandum Order No. 01-2001 on the New BOC-PEZA Import Cargo Transfer System

Foreign Nationals

Visa Facilitation Assistance for Qualified Economic Zone Investors and Non-Resident Alien Employees of PEZA-Registered Economic Zone Enterprises and their Spouses and Dependent Unmarried Children Below Twenty-One (21) Years of Age


New Electrical Engineering Law (RA 7920) Personnel and Posting Requirement


Inclusion of Sub-Contracting Fee Revenue Under Local Sales and Imposition of Local Sales Processing Fees


Submission of Proof of Ownership of Land or Long-term Lease Contract as a Requirement for the Signing of the PEZA Registration Agreement

General Issuances

Newly Approved Rates of Administrative Fees and Charges

Foreign Nationals

Amended Guidelines Governing the Documentary Requirements and Procedures, for the Application, Evaluation and Processing of the PEZA Visa

Memorandum of Agreement

Memorandum Order


Guidelines for the Implementation of the Expanded Electronic Zone Transfer System IT Module (EZTS-Phase 3), Covering Both Intrazone and Interzone Transfer of Goods between PEZA Registered Ecozone I.T. Enterprise (ITEs)


Reminders on the Implementation of R.A.10697

Incentives Management

Guidelines on the Application for the Issuance of VAT Zero-Rating Certificate

Incentives Management

Guidelines on the Application and Issuance of the Certificate of Incentives


Standards on Additive Manufacturing Published by ASTM International for Adoption as Philippine National Standards (PNS)


Guidelines on the Filing of Applications for LOA with the EOD 

Incentives Management

Revised Guidelines on the Application for the Issuance of the Certificate of VAT Zero and CETI


Delegation to the Zone Offices of the Processing and Approval of LOA on the Importation and Supply / Storage / Other Transactions Involving Resin by an ELSE and EFE engaged in Warehousing / Logistics


Clarifications on the Mandatory Implementation of EZTS (Phase 2-Interzone)


Delegation to the Zone Offices of the Approval of LOA on Local Sales & Drop Off Export


Implementation of the EZTS - Phase2 - Enhanced Intrazone & Interzone Transfer of Goods (with Attachments)


Removal of PEZA Seal as a requirement for all Containerized Import Shipments of PEZA-registered Enterprises (RBEs)


Deferment of the Expanded EZTS' Pilot Run


Guidelines for the Implementation of the Electronic Zone Tranfer System (EZTS-Phase2) Covering both Intrazone and Interzone Transfer of Goods between PEZA-Registered Enterprises (PREs)

Occupational Safety

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Interim Guidelines in the PEZA Offices

Occupational Safety

PEZA’s Smoke-Free Policy

Memorandum Order No. 2018-006
Gender and Development

PEZA's Breastfeeding Policy

Memorandum Order No. 2018-001

Chemical Importation Advisory on the Implementation of Online Processing of Priority Chemical List (PCL) and Pre-Manufacture Pre-Importation Notification (PMPIN) of DENR-EMB and Revised Quicklist of Regulated Chemicals

PEZA Awards

Selection of Awardees of PEZA Environmental Performance (PEP) Award for Y2018

Incentives Management

Simplified Issuance of Certifications on (a) Available Incentives & (b) Entitlement to 5% Gross Income Tax (5% GIT) to Qualified Enterprises and Ecozone / IT Park & Center Developers/Operators

Occupational Safety

PEZA’s Drug-Free Workplace Program Manual

Incentives Management

Submission of "Other Information" under the Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act as required by the National Economic Development Authority for the Cost-Benefit Analysis

Incentives Management

Submission of "Annual Tax Incentives Report of Registered Business Entity" on or Before 15 September 2016 as Required under Republic Act No. 10708, the "Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act (TIMTA)"

Incentives Management

Simplified Issuance of Vat Zero Rating Certification to Qualified Enterprises and Ecozone or IT Park/Center Developers/Operators


Guidelines on Transfer of Funds of PEZA's Prepayment Account (PPA) Facilities


Reiteration of the need to secure permits and licenses prior to importation of regulated chemicals and/or goods containing regulated components


Mandatory Implementation of the PEZA-BOC Expanded Automated Export Documentation System (E-AEDS) for Export Shipments to be Loaded at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), Manila International Container Port (MICP), Port of Manila (POM), Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA), Cebu International Port (CIP), Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA) and Port of Subic (POS)


Recent Bureau of Customs (BOC) Issuances on (a) Registration in the BOC's e2m System; (b) Implementation of the E-ACTS; and (c) Implementation of the AEDS


Full Mandatory Implementation of the PEZA Electronic lmport Permit System (elPS) in All Economic Zones and IT Parks/Centers


Mandatory Use of the PEZA Electronic Import Permit System (eIPS) by 15 May 2009 for All Importations, Including Regulated Goods


Mandatory Iplementation of the PEZA Electronic Import Permit System (eIPS)


Amendment of Memorandum Order (MO) No. 99-002, as Amended, Known as the Implementing Guidelines of the Investigation of cases by the Zone Administrators and Zone Managers and the Imposition of Penalties


Monitoring and Control of PEZA Accountable Forms


Roll Out of the Implementation of the PEZA Electronic Import Permit System (e-IPS) for Import Shipments Arriving in Luzon International Seaports


Roll Out of the Implementation of the PEZA Electronic Import Permit System (e-IPS) in Cebu and Mactan Economic Zones


Power Consumption Profile of All PEZA-Registered Locator Enterprises in the Private Economic Zones


Implementation of the PEZA electronic Import Permit System (e-IPS) for tax and duty-free importations of Economic Zone Export-Producers and I.T. Enterprises


Power Consumption Profile of All PEZA-Registered Locator Enterprises in the Private Economic Zones


Energy Regulatory Commission Resolution No. 10-02, Series of 2004, Setting the Deadline for Submission of Application for Certificate of Compliance (COC) and Setting Penalties for Non-Compliance by Entities Owning Self-Generation Facilities


Guidelines on the Opening and Examination of Import Shipments in Sealed Containers of Economic Zone Export-Producer Enterprise


Power Requirements of PEZA Locator Enterprises in Private Economic Zones


Submission of the ERC Prescribed Certificate of Compliance (COC) for Self-Generation Facilities


Implementation of the Automated Export Documentation System (AEDS) at the Ecozones under PEZA


Amendment of Memorandum Order (MO) No. 99-002 Known as the Implementing Guidelines on the Investigation of Cases by the Zone Administrators and Zone Managers and the Imposition of Penalties


Implementing Guidelines on the Investigation of Cases and Imposition of Penalties by Zone Administrators and Zone Managers Over Violations of the PEZA Law, Rules and Regulations, Memoranda, Circulars, Agreements, Contracts, Franchises, Permits, and the like Commited by PEZA-Registered Enterprises


Revenue Regulations

Incentives Management
Incentives Management